The 2021 Ranney Gorge VIRTUAL Run
Presented by
We had hoped that in 2021 we would be able to host the Annual Ranney Gorge Run with all of us gathered together. However, out of an abundance of caution, we have decided that our great run is going to have to be held virtually this year.
Physical activity is more important now than ever and we encourage you to run/walk YOUR distance anywhere you like between May 1- May 16 (or another time at your convenience). That means you get to be creative with your race route, time and location.
We are all grateful for the opportunity to enjoy running in the sun again and we want to ensure it is a safe time for all participants. While the Ranney Gorge Run was created to share the natural beauty and wonder of Ferris Park and the Suspension Bridge, it is still too soon for travel between Public Health zones.
To support the health and safety of all, we ask all participants to choose a location of beauty and wonder within their own region to enjoy their ‘Ranney Run’, as Ontario has so much to share.
Here is what to do:
- Register for the Ranney Gorge Virtual Run
(Participants who registered for the 2020 run will be given a Promo Code for a Free Registration) ALSO Kids 12 and under can register for FREE.
- Set up your Personal Fundraisng Page and ask your friends, family and co-workers to sponsor you to help fund the purchase of new life-saving equipment at Campbellford Memorial Hospital (You could also print off the Virtual Run Pledge Form and collect pledges to be given to the CMH Foundation) Pledge Form 2021
- Do your run/walk on the date, location and time of your choosing.
- Take lots of photos and send them to us on share on your social media platforms. If you share your photos with the hashtag #Ranneygorgerun and your name will go into a draw for some AWESOME prizes!
We look forward to seeing all the magical places in Ontario that participants love to enjoy and appreciate the tremendous support for patient care at Campbellford Memorial Hospital. You make a positive impact in the lives of patients each and every day!
This is a fun run! You don't have to worry about submitting your time; we just want you to get out, be active, and have fun.
All participants will receive their race kit in the mail which will include a 2021 Ranney Gorge Virtual Run branded t-shirt, finishers medal, and some other goodies. Race Kits will be mailed at a later date.
Stay tuned for other fun surprises including the Official Ranney Gorge Run playlist!
Please contact me via e-mail at if you have any questions.
Thank you for your enthusiastic support of our great event and of Campbellford Memorial Hospital during the challenging time.
Pledge ~ Run ~ Share the Beauty
All the best,
John Russell
Ranney Gorge Run Committee
**CHECK THIS OUT** - if you raise $150 in Pledges for the Hospital you will get your registration fee back less a $5 Administration Fee!!
Presenting Signature Sponsor

Platinum Sponsors
Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsors
Bronze Sponsors
Other Supporters